Behold the crown jewel of our wine list – Zivania Oaked, a true embodiment of Cyprus’ rich viticultural heritage. Crafted from the finest local grapes, this libation, akin to Italian Grappa, Russian Chacha, or Greek Raki, is a veritable elixir, perfect for warding off the winter chill with its high alcohol content. But what truly sets our Zivania apart is its resplendent golden hue, achieved through meticulous ageing in oak barrels for six months.

The intoxicating bouquet of this unique Zivania is infused with the tantalizing aroma of oak, expertly complemented by subtle hints of cherries, berries, and liquorice, creating a symphony of flavours that dance on the palate. The clean, fruity essence of blackberry jam engulfs the senses, ushering in a smooth and warm finish that lingers long after the last sip.

This powerful digestive is a true testament to the artistry and complexity of winemaking, and it is no wonder that our elders here in Cyprus swear by its natural medicinal properties, using it to ward off colds, flu, and viruses. Savour the majesty of Zivania Oaked, a testament to the rich legacy of Cyprus’ winemaking tradition.


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