Omodos is located about 42 kilometers north-west of the city of Limassol, in the geographical region of the wine-making villages. It is built near the west bank of the Cha-potami river at an average altitude of 810 meters. The village is surrounded by tall mountaintops, the tallest of which are “Afames” (1153 m.) and “Kremmos of Laona” (Laona’s Steep, 1092 m.).


The village receives an annual average rainfall of about 760 millimeters; vines and various fruit-trees (apple, plum, pear, peach, and apricot trees) are cultivated in the region. There also are uncultivated areas that are taken over by varied natural vegetation. A small part of the village -in its north part -is taken up by the state forest of Pafos.

Regarding transportation, Omodos is connected with the village of Mandria (4 km.) in the north-east and the villages Vasa Koilaniou (3 km.) and Malia (5.5 Km.) in the south-west.

GEROLEMO Vini Bar-Cafe

If you find your self at the center square of Omodos, just before the Village church, relax at the Gerolemo Vini bar-Cafe for a snack and coffee. You will also get directions on how to get to the Medieval wine press and the winery.

Regarding transportation, Omodos is connected with the village of Mandria (4 km.) in the north-east and the villages Vasa Koilaniou (3 km.) and Malia (5.5 Km.) in the south-west.

Monastery of the Holy Cross

The tradition says that in the area of today’s Monastery of the Holy Cross at Omodos, a temple stood since early 3rd century AD. When St. Helen visited the area, she left as a gift a part of the rope with which Jesus was tied before crucifixion. The Monastery celebrates on the day of the Holy Cross, 14 September, where a lot of pilgrims pay their respects and a fair with local produce runs for 2-3 days.

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